Othello: characters

Othello: characters

Othello: Main Characters


  • Othello is the Moorish general, esteemed and successful in his military career.
  • He is married to Desdemona, a union that contradicts societal norms due her race and status.
  • His trusting nature leads him to believe in Iago’s lies, causing tragic consequences.
  • Despite his honourable nature, Othello’s character is flawed by jealousy and insecurity, which Iago exploits for his own nefarious purposes.


  • Iago is characterised as the villain of the play, manipulative and ruthless in his pursuit to ruin Othello.
  • He is resentful of Othello’s decision to promote Cassio instead of him, sparking his revenge plan.
  • Iago’s deception is a key theme, reflecting his manipulative nature and driving the central conflict of the play.
  • Despite his wicked intentions, Iago’s character is intriguing due to his intelligent and calculating nature.


  • Desdemona is Othello’s loyal wife and a symbol of purity.
  • Her unwavering love for Othello lasts until her death, despite Othello’s unfounded accusations of infidelity.
  • Desdemona is a courageous character, defying her father and society to marry a Moor.
  • Her death is particularly tragic, as it is the result of misunderstandings and machinations spurred by Iago.


  • Cassio is Othello’s loyal lieutenant, who unknowingly becomes a part of Iago’s plot.
  • His good looks and charm make him an easy target for Iago to set up as a rival for Othello’s affection.
  • Cassio’s trust in Iago, like Othello’s, leads to his downfall and near-death.
  • Despite falling victim to manipulation, Cassio represents honesty and loyalty, juxtaposing Iago’s cunning.


  • Emilia is Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s confidant and maid.
  • She plays a crucial role in setting Iago’s plan in motion by obtaining Desdemona’s handkerchief, yet is unaware of the purpose it serves in Iago’s plot.
  • Emilia’s powerful monologue on the inequality of the sexes provides a feminist reading of the play.
  • She emerges as a hero towards the end for revealing the truth about Iago’s deception.

Narrative Context of the Characters

  • The interpersonal dynamics and complex characterisation in Othello are a significant focus of study, reflecting themes like love, betrayal, and revenge.
  • Each character has a crucial role in advancing the plot and their growth, or downfall, mirrors the overall tragic structure of the play.
  • Understanding the characters’ motivations, their flaws, and their impact on the drama helps in unpacking Othello’s narrative layers and its many thematic explorations.