The Long and the Short and the Tall: form

The Long and the Short and the Tall: form

Form of ‘The Long and the Short and the Tall’


  • ‘The Long and the Short and the Tall’ is a war play, a genre that exposes the horrors and complexities of war.


  • The play is a three-act drama which allows for clear development and exploration of the plot and characters.
  • It is set in real time, creating immediacy and tension as events unfold without any temporal jumps.
  • The play follows a linear structure with the narrative progressing consistently forward.

Dramatic Conventions

  • The play utilises dramatic conventions like dialogue and stage directions to detail the unfolding of events and showcase the dynamics among characters.
  • It also features monologues, particularly by Bamforth, to allow insights into characters’ internal struggles.


  • Unfolding within the confinement of an abandoned hut, the play adopts a single setting, contributing to the tension and claustrophobia experienced by the soldiers.
  • The isolated setting also symbolises the soldiers’ physical and psychological detachment from the outside world, intensifying the feeling of entrapment.


  • Conversational and colloquial language is used, reflecting the realistic and naturalistic nature of the play.
  • The dialogue often includes military slang and jargon, providing authenticity and reinforcing the military context.

Dramatic Devices

  • ‘The Long and the Short and the Tall’ employs dramatic irony, such as when the audience is aware of the impending doom of the patrol, while the characters are not.
  • It also uses dramatic tension created by moral dilemmas and internal conflicts. The announcement of the port’s fall creates a crisis point, significantly raising tension.


  • The play uses direct characterisation through dialogue and actions, and indirect characterisation through other characters’ reactions and responses.
  • The characters represent different social and military ranks, providing a microcosm of the hierarchical structure of society and military.


  • The portrayal of individual struggles, internal conflicts, humanity amidst violence and camaraderie form the core thematic fabric of the play.
  • The play also explores the themes of power, leadership, and the duality of human nature under extreme circumstances.