House of Bernarda Alba: style

House of Bernarda Alba: style

Symbolism and Realism in ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’


  • The play follows a symbolic style wherein objects, colours, and details are used to represent abstract or thematic ideas.
  • For instance, the recurring symbol of a horse - its continual attempted escape - symbolises the repressed desire of the daughters, mainly Adela.
  • Repetitive use of the colour white symbolises virginity, purity, and death, emphasises Bernarda’s obsession with propriety and social appearance.
  • Similarly, the use of black denotes the mourning status of the house and oppressive environment that permeates the domestic space.
  • The cane of Bernarda, which is a symbol of power and dominance, often creates a threatening atmosphere.


  • Despite the extensive use of symbolism, Lorca uses realistic presentation of the characters and their respective plights.
  • Verisimilitude, or the portrayal of truthful reality, is maintained through the mundane details of everyday life, such as domestic tasks or gossip.
  • Use of colloquial dialogues and realistic characterisation bolsters the authenticity of the presentation.
  • The play depicts real societal issues, such as oppression, womanhood, class struggle, and societal expectations, which makes the drama more grounded and believable.
  • The conflict and tension between the characters establishes Lorca’s knack for psychological realism.

Poetic Drama of ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’

Poetic Language

  • Lorca utilised poetic language in the dialogue, making the language itself a prominent artistic feature of the play.
  • Passages like “They could tie her up, but there are stallions that will break through the water tanks or die of desperation.” and “The very slightest movement is like a well drawn-out note.” exhibit a strong poetic quality.
  • Use of metaphorical and symbolic language deepens the dramatic experience.

Poetic Themes and Imagery

  • Themes of death, desire, and repression are often presented through beautiful and haunting poetic imagery.
  • The lyrical pattern and sensuous description of the play add to its aesthetic pleasure.
  • The common rural Spanish culture and traditions, coupled with the deeply personal experiences of the characters, create a poetic drama marked by intense emotional resonance.

Always remember that the style of ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’ is a blend of symbolism, realism, and poetic drama. This style aids the audience in understanding the hidden emotional depth and social criticism that Lorca beautifully portrays through this play.