Necessary Targets: dramatic climax

Necessary Targets: dramatic climax

Understanding the Dramatic Climax

Defining the Climax

  • The dramatic climax in Necessary Targets is the moment of highest tension or the turning point of the plot.
  • It usually encompasses a decisive confrontation or significant event that settles the direction of the story.

Identifying the Climax

  • The dramatic climax in Necessary Targets can be seen when J.S. and Zlata clash over their diverging values, prompting J.S. to realise her naive approach to trauma counselling.
  • Other significant climaxes could include Nuna’s confrontational monologue where she unveils the harsh realities of war, causing an abrupt shift in the dynamic of the group.

Role of the Climax in the Play

  • There are several cathartic moments leading to the climax. These moments of emotional purging help the characters and the audience to confront the harsh reality of war, paving the way for a deeper understanding of trauma and healing.
  • The climax is crucial for the characters’ development, representing their most testing moments and forcing them to face their fears and vulnerabilities.

Impact of the Climax on the Audience

  • The climactic scenes in Necessary Targets leave a deep impact, providing a gut-wrenching reality check about the ravages of war.
  • These peaks of emotional intensity might leave audiences questioning their preconceptions about war and humanitarian crisis, promoting a thoughtful engagement with global issues.

Combining Performance Techniques

  • Eve Ensler uses a combination of performance techniques to create the dramatic climax, such as dialogue, lighting, movement and pauses. These are vital in heightening tension and driving the plot towards its peak.
  • Effective delivery of the climax scene requires a deep understanding of dramatic tension, pacing, and emotional nuance. As performers, it’s crucial to maintain the intensity and yet refrain from over dramatisifying the situation.

Understanding Controversial Scenes

  • Some of the climax scenes in Necessary Targets can be controversial and challenging to perform and watch due to their depiction of war atrocities and sexual violence. However, it’s essential to remember that they are included to portray the harsh reality and should be treated with sensitivity and respect.