Necessary Targets: Sound design (direction, amplification, music, sound effects)

Necessary Targets: Sound design (direction, amplification, music, sound effects)

Sound Design in Necessary Targets

Importance of Sound Design

  • Sound design in Necessary Targets is crucial in setting the tone, creating tension, and reflecting the characters’ mental states.
  • It is integral to the show’s pacing and dramatic effects.

Types of Sound Utilised

  • Diegetic Sounds: These are actual sounds present in the scene that characters interact with or acknowledge.
  • Non-Diegetic Sounds: These sounds are added for the audience’s understanding and are not heard by the show’s characters.

Direction and Amplification of Sound

  • Sound direction in the play involves determining which sounds are needed, where they should come from and how loud they should be.
  • Amplification plays a key role in creating a sense of reality and intensity, helping enhance emotional responses from the audience.
  • This aspect is particularly important for the sounds of war and surrounding chaos.

Musical Elements

  • Music in Necessary Targets contributes significantly to the play’s emotional impact and narrative flow.
  • It can signal character entrances, dramatic shifts, and changes in time and location.
  • Traditional Bosnian music might be used to culturally situate the play, while more modern, tense or discordant music could signify the ravages of war.

Sound Effects

  • Sound effects can allow the audience to imagine what’s happening offstage and support the emotional context of a scene.
  • The sounds of war - bombings, gunfire, and cries of distress - serve to deepen the sense of trauma and fear.
  • Naturalistic sounds, like the buzzing of flies or a crackling fire, can be used to enhance the setting and create a sense of realism.

Symbolic Use of Sound

  • Sounds can carry symbolic meaning, connecting with themes or the mental states of characters.
  • For example, the harsh clinical sounds in J.S.’s therapy sessions may signify the imposition of Western logic on Bosnian suffering.
  • Similarly, the echoing sound of a single gunshot could symbolise the pervasive and lasting impacts of war.

Overall, pay attention to how sound design is used to deepen the play’s themes, create mood and enhance the storytelling in Necessary Targets.