House of Bernarda Alba: creation of mood and atmosphere

House of Bernarda Alba: creation of mood and atmosphere

Creation of Mood and Atmosphere in ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’

The Use of Setting

  • The play is set in Bernarda’s house which is suffused with oppressive heat symbolising intense emotions and stifled feminine desires.
  • The claustrophobic, indoor setting emphasises the characters’ feelings of entrapment and suppression.
  • The recurring mention of the village and its people outside the house mirrors the societal scrutiny and judgement Bernarda and her daughters face.

Stage Directions

  • Lorca makes extensive use of vivid stage directions to reinforce mood and atmosphere.
  • For instance, the use of ‘in mourning’, describing the characters in grief, sets an initially somber mood and suggests the repression happening within Bernarda’s house.
  • Directions such as ‘harshly’, ‘screaming’, or ‘with contained anger’, provide insight into the characters’ emotional states, contributing to the tension and unease.

Use of Symbols and Imagery

  • Symbolic objects such as the black dress and the cane are powerful, visual tools for creating mood.
  • The black dress symbolises death, repression, and strict mourning rites, setting a dark and depressive mood.
  • The cane represents Bernarda’s authority, adding to the atmosphere of fear and control.

Use of Dialogue

  • Dialogue often sets the scene’s emotional tone. For instance, Bernarda’s stern, authoritarian dialogue creates an atmosphere of tension and fear.
  • The passionate monologues by certain characters like Adela reveal the severity of the emotional turmoil, intensifying the mood of despair and rebellion.

Sound and Silence

  • Lorca uses sounds such as the tolling of the church bells to underline sober moments, indicating death and mourning.
  • Silence is another technique Lorca uses effectively to enhance moods and situations, conveying oppression, acceptance, and sometimes, defiance.

Key Takeaways

Understanding the techniques Lorca uses to portray mood and atmosphere in ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’ is vital for understanding the play’s thematic depth and characters’ emotions. The play is replete with symbols, dialogue, setting specifications and sound effects that together paint a picture of the stifling environment within Bernarda’s home, reflecting larger societal constraints.