Bread, Cereal, Grains: Features and Storage

Bread, Cereal, Grains: Features and Storage

  • Bread, cereal, and grains offer a range of textures and flavours and are versatile cooking ingredients.
  • Bread varieties include flatbreads, loaves, and rolls; cereals include rice, wheat, and oats.
  • Consider grain cooking properties; for example, short-grain rice gets sticky when cooked, while long-grain rice remains separate.
  • Proper storage is crucial for maintaining quality, including airtight containers at room temperature for bread to prevent staleness.
  • Grains and cereals should be stored in cool, dry places in tightly sealed containers to protect from moisture and pests.
  • Uncooked grains, when stored properly, can last up to a year.
  • Cooked grains should be refrigerated and consumed within a few days.