Cooking methods-water and fat based

Cooking methods-water and fat based

Water and Fat-Based Cooking Methods


  • Boiling involves cooking food in water at its boiling point (100 degrees Celsius)
  • It’s a quick method of cooking especially for vegetables and pasta, but care must be taken not to overcook the food which can result in nutrient loss


  • Simmering is a gentler method than boiling, the food is cooked in water just below boiling point
  • It’s used for long, slow cooking processes like making stews or soups


  • In poaching, the food is barely covered with water and cooked over low heat
  • It’s a gentle form of cooking used for delicate foods like eggs or fish


  • Steaming involves cooking food in the steam generated from boiling water
  • This method is great for retaining the nutrients and flavour of the food

Fat-Based Cooking Methods


  • Frying is a rapid cooking method that uses fat or oil to transfer heat to food
  • It can be done in two ways: shallow or deep frying
  • Shallow frying cooks small pieces of food partially submerged in fat, and the food is turned to cook evenly on all sides
  • Deep frying cooks the food fully submerged in the hot fat


  • In sautéing, food is cooked quickly in a small amount of fat over high heat
  • This method is great for preserving the colour and texture of food


  • Roasting involves cooking food in an oven or on a spit using oil to aid heat transfer
  • This method is often used for large pieces of meat and is ideal for developing complex flavours and crispy textures.