Cooking methods-water based

Cooking methods-water based

Water-Based Cooking Methods


  • Boiling is a cooking method where food is immersed in boiling water, which is kept at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.
  • This method is often used for vegetables, eggs, pasta.
  • Due to the high temperature, it can result in loss of nutrients especially water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin C and B Vitamins.


  • Poaching is a gentler cooking method than boiling. The water’s temperature is typically between 70 - 85 degrees Celsius.
  • Ideal for delicate items like eggs and fish. The lower temperature can help retain some nutrients better than boiling.


  • In steaming, food is cooked by the heat of steam from boiling water.
  • The food doesn’t come into contact with the water itself, reducing nutrient loss in the cooking process.
  • Foods like vegetables, dumplings, and fish are often steamed.


  • Simmering is done at a lower temperature (between 85 - 95 degrees Celsius) than boiling.
  • Commonly used for soups, stews, and sauces.
  • The gentle heat allows for flavours to meld together and can make meats more tender.


  • Blanching is the process of partially cooking food in boiling water and then immediately plunging it into cold water to stop the cooking process.
  • It is often used for vegetables prior to freezing to preserve their colour and nutrients.
  • Blanching can also be used to loosen skin on items like tomatoes and nuts.

Each water-based cooking method alters the food’s texture, taste, and nutritional properties differently, so selecting the right method is crucial for the final food quality.