Historical Context: First World War

Historical Context: First World War

Introduction: First World War

  • The First World War, which took place between 1914 and 1918, significantly impacted American society and its economy.
  • As a backdrop to The Great Gatsby, the war has shaped the characters’ lives, particularly Jay Gatsby and Daisy.

Impact on American Society

  • The war led to major changes in societal norms especially in regards to gender roles. With many men at war, women stepped into roles traditionally held by men and began to assert more independence.
  • This shift is present in The Great Gatsby through the character of Daisy, who although still primarily in a domestic role, represents some aspects of the evolving role of women.

Economic Changes

  • Post war America also experienced an economic boom, known as the Roaring Twenties, marked by a period of excessive consumption and decadence.
  • A striking factor in The Great Gatsby, the party lifestyle of Gatsby represents this era of economic prosperity.

Aftermath of War

  • The aftermath of the war brought disillusionment among the public, as the harsh realities and destruction of war became more evident.
  • This feeling finds its way into The Great Gatsby with Gatsby himself, a war veteran, representing the journey from idealistic patriotism to disillusionment.

Role of America

  • The war also marked America’s transition from isolationism to becoming a major international power.
  • The novel reflects this shift in global power as it portrays the American Dream as a pervading ideology of success and superiority.


In the context of The Great Gatsby, the First World War and its aftermath have greatly influenced the characterisation and thematic development in the novel. The societal change, economic prosperity and the general disillusionment post-war all shape the narrative and its critique of the American Dream.