The Wireless Set: Theme; War

The Wireless Set: Theme; War


  • “The Wireless Set” is a poignant tale from George Mackay Brown’s repertoire. Set in the iconic Scottish island of Trovnik, the story explores the vulnerability and resilience of communities during wartime.
  • The pivotal point in the narrative is a wireless radio set that serves as a focal point for the island’s community and an important link to the outside world.

Theme - War:

Impact of War:

  • The narrative presents the overwhelming influence of war on the islanders’ day-to-day lives.
  • It showcases not just the physical distance it creates between the islanders and the rest of the world, but also the isolation and insecurity it arouses.

Catharsis through Communication:

  • The wireless set offers a break from the anxious quietude, providing news from the frontlines and the outside world, enabling the islanders to face their fears collectively.
  • Anchoring this theme is the concept of communication as a means to process the horrors of war, and share in the unified emotions of hope, fear, and anticipation.


  • The wireless set itself symbolises the broader world and the ongoing war, becoming a physical construct around which the islanders’ fears, hopes, and speculations are built.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Through the clever use of personification, Mackay Brown brings the wireless to life, making it a significant contributor to the islanders’ emotional landscape.
  • A finely tuned balance of hope and fear is presented in the text, capturing the collective psyche of a community during wartime.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “…somewhere the dreadful machinery of war ground on…” - This quote clearly encapsulates the war’s ever-present, omnipotent terror that pervades the islanders’ lives, despite their geographical remoteness.
  • “It was silly to be so afraid of it: the radio set was part of normal daily life now…” - Here, the wireless set is implicitly portrayed as an embodiment of war, reflecting the unsettling yet unavoidable integration of war into their daily routine.

Remember to analyse Mackay Brown’s use of various techniques, quotes, and symbols to effectively depict the theme of war in your responses.