Theme: Loss of Moral Values

Theme: Loss of Moral Values

Understanding the Theme

  • The theme of Loss of Moral Values is prominently showcased in The Great Gatsby through various characters and their actions.
  • This theme underscores a central message of the novel signifying the moral disruption and erosion that punctuated the society of the Roaring Twenties.

Exemplification in Characters

  • Jay Gatsby, the protagonist, exhibits this theme in his pursuit of wealth and success primarily to win over Daisy, a love interest from his past. His ventures are constructed upon deceit and illicit activities.
  • Daisy Buchanan mirrors this theme by treating people callously and with indifference. She leads Gatsby on yet lacks the courage to openly acknowledge her feelings for him, showcasing her moral cowardice and selfishness.
  • Tom Buchanan, epitomising arrogance and entitlement, embodies this theme through his hypocrisy and infidelity. He engages in an extramarital affair while punishing any perceived unfaithfulness from Daisy.

Manifestation in Society

  • The theme of loss of moral values extends to the broader society illuminated in the narrative. The novel’s depicted affluence and decadence, primarily in East and West Egg, represent a society marked by self-indulgence, materialism, and a clear amoral outlook.
  • Parties thrown by Gatsby are an explicit demonstration of wild opulence, disregard for restraint, and a distinct loss of social and moral values.

Significance and Impact

  • The theme underlines the realities of the American Dream, demonstrating its descent into moral decay and illusory success. It helps to demystify the rosy vision of the Dream, emphasising the hollowness and transient nature of such material pursuits.
  • Moreover, it throws light on the societal shift from traditional, ethical norms to a world drenched in material opulence, thus reflecting on the larger sociocultural issues of the time.


The theme ‘Loss of Moral Values’ significantly weaves through the narrative of The Great Gatsby, highlighting the collapse of ethical norms and rise of moral bankruptcy that formed a part of the decadent society and the elusive American Dream. Understanding this theme gives readers a deeper insight into societal shifts and allows them to critically engage with Fitzgerald’s social commentaries.