Tam O'Shanter: "Kirk Galloway"

Tam O’Shanter: “Kirk Galloway”

“Tam O’Shanter: Kirk Alloway” - Overview


  • “Tam O’Shanter: Kirk Alloway” is a narrative poem, developed through the use of rich, symbolic language, vivid imagery and enthusiastic story-telling techniques.
  • The poem is in Scots dialect, showcasing Burns’ ability to capture the nuances of Scottish language and landscape.


  • The structure of the poem reflects its narrative form; a journey taking Tam from a night of revelry to an encounter with supernatural forces.
  • This narrative arc builds momentum and suspense to further engage the reader in Tam’s harrowing adventure.

Rhyme Scheme:

  • Each couplet in the poem maintains an AA, BB, CC rhyme scheme, providing a rhythm that advances the narrative drive of the poem and enhances the entertaining nature of Tam’s story.


  • The use of tetrameter in the poem serves to propel the plot forward, creating a lively, energetic tone that is consistent with Tam’s character and his adventurous tale.
  • The steady rhythm lends a sense of inevitability to Tam’s journey, reinforcing the thematic notion of his impending doom.

Distribution of Ideas:

  • Burns strategically utilizes the sequence of the plot to introduce readers to Tam’s character and setting before plunging him into the supernatural encounter at Kirk Alloway.
  • This gradual existing tension is effectively built through the poem’s narrative sequence, vividly illustrating the consequences of Tam’s actions.

Turns of Thought or Volta:

  • Burns has employed Volta, or the turn of thought, at the point the narrative shifts from Tam’s jovial drinking to his encounter with the witches and warlocks at Kirk Alloway.
  • This dramatic narrative shift highlights Tam’s folly and underpins the moral lesson of the poem.

Significance of Form and Structure for Interpretation:

  • The form, structure, and narrative elements of “Tam O’Shanter: Kirk Alloway” serve to create a detailed, vivid, and unforgettable journey through rural Scotland’s myths and traditions.
  • Additionally, they function to build a moral lesson about the dangerous lure of excess and the consequences of indulgent behaviour.