Style and Technique: Imagery

Style and Technique: Imagery

Imagery in ‘The Cone Gatherers’

Use of Nature Imagery

  • The natural imagery in ‘The Cone Gatherers’ is rich, descriptive and symbolic. Trees, animals, weather and the landscape are not simply part of the setting, but are used to highlight various themes throughout the text.
  • The novel is particularly filled with imagery related to the forest, which symbolises different things for different characters. For the brothers, Calum and Neil, it is a place of work, but also closeness with nature and freedom, while for Duror it symbolises his disgust and fear.
  • The intense description of the beach and the sea showcases the contrast between human turmoil and the serenity of nature. The peaceful imagery emphasises the inherent peace of nature which remains undisturbed despite the human conflicts.

Symbolic Imagery

  • Symbolic imagery plays a critical role in developing and reflecting the tensions within the novel. For instance, the climbing and descending of the tree act as symbols of the class hierarchy and the aspiration to breach it.
  • Another powerful symbol is the golden cone that represents goodness and purity. The cone is associated with Calum, emphasising his innocence and inherent goodness.
  • The deer hunt scene is filled with violent and harrowing imagery, symbolising the grotesque nature of societal discrimination and injustice.

Imagery to Portray Characters

  • Jenkins uses vivid and symbolic imagery to describe and explore the characters and their mindsets. Duror is often associated with images of decay and corruption, suggestive of his internal turmoil and hatred.
  • Calum, on the other hand, is linked with images of animals and nature, symbolising his innocence, purity and connection with the natural world. His hunchback, often highlighted through the text, is another stark image that elicits empathy and also mirror his societal rejection.
  • Neil, though present within the natural world like his brother, is associated with images of struggle and hardship, reflecting his complex character and inner conflict regarding his status and desires.

Imagery to Build Atmosphere

  • The novel uses elemental forces, such as storm and rain, to build a sense of foreboding and drama. Such atmospheric descriptions align with the shifts in the plotline, creating an intense and emotionally charged reading experience.
  • Imagery of darkness and shadows is also frequently deployed, establishing a mysterious and ominous atmosphere that foreshadows the tragic events.

These elements of imagery in ‘The Cone Gatherers’ significantly enhance the narrative and its themes, contributing to the intensity and depth of the text. Analysing imagery will deepen one’s understanding of characters, plot dynamics and key themes, an essential approach to studying this novel.