A Time to Keep: Theme; Death

A Time to Keep: Theme; Death


  • “A Time to Keep: Theme; Death” is a poignant exploration of mortality from George Mackay Brown’s anthology.


Death and Transience:

  • Brown skilfully invokes the theme of mortality throughout this chapter, bestowing upon it a sense of unavoidable inevitability.
  • The transience of life is portrayed through the characters’ mortality, symbolising the fleeting nature of human existence.

Acceptance and Resignation:

  • This chapter exhibits an underlying mood of acceptance to the inevitability of death.
  • Brown invites readers to perceive death not as an end but a natural part of the life span, fostering a sense of resignation.

Character Analysis:

The Aging Characters:

  • Characters who are nearing the end of their lives encapsulate the theme of mortality.
  • Despite their limited time, they never cease to cherish the beauty of life and remain engaged in their duties and passions.

The Villagers:

  • The theme of death and how it influences the characters is seen through how the villagers react to life’s transience.
  • They approach the concept of death with stoicism and acceptance, further emphasising the theme of resignation to mortality.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Brown imbues his narrative with a sense of inevitability, offering a bittersweet perspective on departing from life.
  • A bold use of imagery aids in creating a vivid image of mortality, making the theme broader and more impactful.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “Time, which sees all things, had quietly and painlessly carried her over the edge of the world.” - This quote suggests a perspective of death as a peaceful transition, portraying demise as a gentle passage of time.

  • “Each day was a bonus, over and above the allotted span.” - This suggests a take on life as a gift, where each day is a bonus, encapsulating a hopeful view in face of mortality.

Identify the literary techniques, characterisation, and context of each quote, and how they aid in understanding the themes. Reflect on how Brown’s portrayal of death impacts your understanding of the theme.