A Time to Keep: Theme; Social Class

A Time to Keep: Theme; Social Class


  • “A Time to Keep” is a renowned story by the Scottish author George Mackay Brown.
  • It examines the hardships and rewards of rural existence, focusing on a poor, hardworking couple enduring tough weather and economic conditions.
  • The story’s chief theme of social class showcases a power struggle between the landed classes and working class, embodied in the characters of Thorfinn and Mary.


Social Class and Subservience:

  • The story subtly conveys the theme of social class through the description of Thorfinn’s status.
  • Thorfinn and Mary are characterised as the working-class protagonists, contrasted against Thorfinn’s employer, the Laird, who represents the landed hierarchy.
  • Their subservience to the rich Laird, despite going through extreme hardships, reflects the prevalent social norms of the time.

Struggle and Resilience:

  • Thorfinn and Mary’s experience exhibits the harsh realities of those navigating the lower rungs of society, showcasing their struggle to survive against the odds.
  • Despite the economic hardships, Thorfinn and Mary embody the resilience and determination of the working class.

Character Analysis:


  • Thorfinn is depicted as an unfailingly loyal and hardworking individual, despite his circumstances.
  • His respectful demeanor towards the Laird and his relentless pursuit of labour, irrespective of the extreme cold, portrays the working class’s struggles and reverence for hierarchy.


  • Mary, Thorfinn’s wife, is a symbol of steadfastness and endurance in the face of adversity.
  • She supports her husband and shows great courage, embodying the resilience of the working class population.

Techniques and Effects:

  • The author uses subtle contrasts to bring out the glaring inequality between the classes.
  • Thorfinn and Mary’s hardships are set against the comfort and complacency of the Laird, which deepens the impact of the social commentary.
  • The symbolism of the storm highlights the overpowering forces that Thorfinn and Mary combat, representing both the harsh weather and the oppressive social conditions they face.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “The laird after dinner, in front of a great fire, called for Thorfinn.” - This quote shows the stark contrast between the Laird’s comfortable existence and Thorfinn’s harsh life, reinforcing the social class theme.

  • “The woman brewed some tea. She put her best shawl on (for it was the laird), then took it off again.” - This quote mirrors Mary’s respect for the Laird, but also hints at her quiet defiance and resilience.

In your essay, be sure to discuss these themes in relation to the characters. Support your arguments using fitting quotes that illustrate the novel’s exploration of social class. Reflect upon the narrative techniques that Brown uses to enhance the characters and plot.