A Time to Keep: Section Seven

A Time to Keep: Section Seven


  • “A Time to Keep: Section Seven” comes from the highly acclaimed collection by notable Scottish author George Mackay Brown.
  • This portion focuses on the harvest and its significance for the inhabitants of the Ferry.
  • It portrays the routine life of the villagers, concentrating heavily on their work, devotion and the harmony between them and the land.


Nature and human life:

  • The overarching theme is the relationship between human beings and nature, significantly revolving around the season of harvest.
  • It demonstrates the villagers’ intimate relationship with the natural surroundings, their toil, and the fruits of their labour.

Religion and Rituals:

  • The theme of Religion comes to the forefront with the celebration of Lammas, a Christian feast day, marking the onset of harvest.
  • It elucidates the villagers’ deep-rooted religious beliefs and the important role of rituals in their lives.

Character Analysis:

The Ferry Villagers:

  • The villagers are amalgamated as one character displaying intense devotion, cooperation, and a shared sense of joy and fulfilment during the harvest.
  • They embody a deep attachment to the land, demonstrating a profound reverence for the recurring cycle of nature and life.

The Rector:

  • The rector features as an important figure who invokes blessings for the harvest, representing the religious ardour of the villagers.
  • His character reinforces the intertwining of spiritual and earthly existence in the life of the community.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Mackay Brown uses powerful imagery to depict the villagers’ meticulous work, imbuing the atmosphere with the essence of the harvest season.
  • The repetition of words and phrases, when describing the villagers’ actions, infuses a rhythmic quality to the narrative, mirroring the cyclical nature of the harvest.
  • The author successfully crafts a sense of saturation, symbolising the fulfilment and contentment experienced by the community through the harvest.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “The blessing of bread, the blessing of hands that have sown and reaped.” - This statement underscores the sanctity associated with work, implying an undeniable bond between human efforts and divine blessings.

  • “Darkness poured down on the singing and the accomplishment.” - Profound imagery here captures the perfect closure to the day’s hard work, embellished with song and contentment.

Canvass and analyse how Brown deploys various narrative tools, characters, and quotes to articulate the prevalent themes and mould reader’s perceptions.