Holy Willie's Prayer: Stanzas 11-16

“Holy Willie’s Prayer: Stanzas 11-16”: Theme; Hypocrisy in Religious Piety

Key Learning Points:

  • “Holy Willie’s Prayer” serves as Robert Burns’ scathing criticism of religious hypocrisy and self-righteousness.
  • Holy Willie, the protagonist, is presented as being guilty of the very sins he condemns, bringing forth Burns’ criticism of sanctimonious attitudes within the church.
  • Across stanzas 11-16, Burns delves deeper into Holy Willie’s duplicitous nature, exposing his sinful actions on Saturday nights, juxtaposed with his sanctity during Sunday service.

Exposition of Hypocrisy and Conceit:

  • Holy Willie’s usage of biblical doctrine to justify his licentious behavior is seen as an embodiment of religious hypocrisy.
  • His attempts to distinguish his sins from those of others, despite the similarity of their transgressions, stands as a straight attack on self-righteous attitudes.
  • The parallelism between Holy Willie’s Saturday nights and Sunday sermons illuminates Burns’ critique of Pharisaic double standards within society.

Structural Commentary and Poetic Techniques:

  • The usage of satire is evident in Burns’ lampooning of Holy Willie’s hypocritical dilemma.
  • Burns employs dramatic monologue, allowing the character to reveal his hypocrisy through his own words, hence amplifying the mockery.
  • The implementation of irony underscores the discrepancies between Holy Willie’s actions and his projected religious piety.


  • Holy Willie is characterized as hypocritical and sanctimonious, criticising others for the same sins he himself is guilty of. This characterisation serves as Burns’ biting critique of such individuals within the Church.

Language and Diction:

  • The usage of Scots dialect in the poem heightens its authenticity and impact.
  • Depicting Holy Willie in a confessional prayer intensifies the satirical derision, as it contrasts sharply with his ungodly actions.

Tone and Mood:

  • The tone of “Holy Willie’s Prayer: Stanzas 11-16” is notably sarcastic and mocking, reflecting Burns’ contempt for the hypocrisy being critiqued.
  • The mood fluctuates, causing intrigue and showcasing a palpable sense of disdain towards religious hypocrisy and self-righteousness.