A Time to Keep: Section Eight

A Time to Keep: Section Eight


  • “A Time to Keep: Section Eight” centres around the rhythms of seasonal change, the confluence of ancestry and identity, and the imperative of sacrifice in life’s cycle.

Themes and Interpretation:

Seasonal Change

  • The narrative expressively brings to life the shifting moods and colours of Orkney, depicting its transformation over the seasons.
  • This section also highlights how these changes not only affect the natural landscape, but also deeply impact the local community and their lifestyle.

Ancestry and Identity

  • An emphasis is placed on how one’s roots, lineage, and familial history deeply intertwine with their personal and collective identity.
  • The stories of the ancestors continue to live and breathe through the current generation, shaping their worldview and domain.


  • The harsh realities of life in Orkney necessitate sacrifices, both big and small, from the people. This theme is explored through the community’s interactions with nature and each other.
  • The element of sacrifice adds a touch of tragedy but also inspires admiration for its necessity for survival and continuity.

Techniques and Effects

  • Mackay Brown employs symbolic and poignant imagery to express the stark beauty of Orkney through the seasons.
  • The interspersing of personal histories into the community’s larger narrative instils a sense of interconnectedness and continuity.
  • The theme of sacrifice is presented with such resonance and sobriety that it leaves a lasting impression on the reader, underlining the harshness and sacredness of life on the islands.

Quotes and Analysis

  • “The fields were a riot of red and russet and gold.” – This vibrant and rich description encapsulates the beauty and intensity of the changing seasons.
  • “They all carried a part of the past with them, a pebble or a shell. The past lived in the twinkle of an eye, the curve of a smile.” – This powerful metaphor signifies the profound link between ancestry and identity, reminding the reader that the past endures in subtle, poignant ways in everyday life.