Walking with Russell: Theme; Father and Son Relationship

“Walking with Russell: Theme; Father and Son Relationship” - Overview and Themes

  • Central to this piece is the exploration of the poignant bond between father and son.
  • Prominent themes included are love, growth and the struggle of communication.

Language Analysis

  • Paterson utilises the analogy “the eager weight of a new question” to portray the anticipation-filled curiosity of the son in stark contrast to the father’s burden of having an answer.
  • The phrase, “his puzzled tread is to me another sort of answer” reflects the gaps in their understanding, marking an inherent struggle to bridge their varying perceptions of the world.

Tone and Mood

  • The tone throughout the piece transitions from anxiety to becoming more reassuring, reflecting the father’s growing acceptance of his son’s unique perspective.
  • The mood is consistently contemplative, symbolising the ongoing quest to understand the depth of their relationship.


  • The image of a father and son walking together evokes the idea of a journey, symbolising their shared experiences, learning, and growing together.
  • Paterson’s vivid description (e.g. “under that dreadful innocence of sky”) captures the powerful influence of environment in shaping their connection and communication.

In “Walking with Russell: Theme; Father and Son Relationship”, Paterson’s deliberate use of language, tone, and imagery encapsulates the complexities and transcendental nature of father-son relationships. The nuanced portrayal extends beyond sentimental emotions, embracing the mutual progression, struggles, and triumphs evident in their bond.