The Eye of the Hurricane: Theme: Religion

The Eye of the Hurricane: Theme: Religion


  • “The Eye of the Hurricane” is an intriguing narrative by esteemed Scottish author George Mackay Brown that focuses on religious elements.
  • The narrative primarily revolves around the central character’s journey with his beliefs and the significant influence of religion on him.
  • The prominence of Catholicism and religious symbols offer a deeper insight into the author’s perception of faith.


Faith and Spirituality:

  • Faith operates as a primary theme, with the narrative exploring the protagonist’s relationship with his religious belief system.
  • The journey of the protagonist showcases his spiritual growth, with spirituality presented as an essential aspect of life.

Morality and Redemption:

  • The narrative presents morality in a dualistic framework, with consequences for good and bad actions.
  • The subject of redemption is highlighted, stressing religion’s role in guiding people towards moral paths.

Character Analysis:

The Protagonist:

  • The protagonist’s character illustrates a person seeking a deeper meaning in life through his religious faith.
  • His journey of self-discovery, resulting from his faith, adds depth to his character.

The Priest:

  • The priest plays a vital role as a spiritual guide, offering a unique perspective on faith and religion.
  • His teachings and insights impact the protagonist significantly, leading to his spiritual awakening.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Mackay Brown applies symbolism effectively, with religious elements symbolising faith, morality, and redemption.
  • The shift in the protagonist’s character serves as an illustration of character development, demonstrating the transformative power of faith.
  • The author’s use of descriptive language enhances the narrative’s atmospheric nature, painting a vivid picture of the protagonist’s spiritual journey.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “The eye of the hurricane. In the middle of this chaos, there is a quiet centre of peace.” - This metaphor represents the protagonist’s experience of finding tranquility and purpose in faith amidst life’s storms.

  • “What we must strive for is balance, the golden mean.” - The priest’s words echo the concept of moderation in faith and life, influencing the protagonist’s outlook significantly.

Delving into how Mackay Brown utilises different techniques, quotes, and characters to present the themes should reinforce interpretation and analysis practice.