Character: Chae Strachan

Character: Chae Strachan

Character Overview: Chae Strachan


  • Chae Strachan is a vital character in Sunset Song, a novel written by Lewis Grassic Gibbon.
  • Chae is earmarked as an influential character who is a knowledgeable, community-respected farm worker.
  • His character represents the embodiment of the old ways and values of the rural Scottish community inhabiting Kinraddie.

Relationship with Chris Guthrie

  • Chae harbours a respectful admiration for Chris Guthrie and her intellectual capabilities.
  • He also encourages Chris to be content in the rural farming life rather than abandoning it in pursuit of academic ambitions.
  • This relationship is essential as it roots Chris to her Scottish heritage, forming a strong influence on her future decisions.

Rural Identity

  • Chae represents the traditional Scottish rural identity that is under threat from external changes, notably, the impact of World War I.
  • His attachment and love for the land, and his belief in the old ways, embodies the spirit of the community.
  • His dialogue also provides a detailed peek into the Doric dialect, adding to the raw Scottish rural authenticity of the narrative.

Role in War

  • Chae becomes a prominent figure during the war, showcasing his dedication to community service.
  • Despite enduring the horrors of war, Chae retains his compassion and remains committed to the land and its people.
  • His experiences highlight the resilience of rural communities amidst devastating changes and the effort required to preserve their traditional values.

Chae’s Perception of Change

  • Chae views the changes war introduces with a sense of inevitability, marking the narrative with a poignant sense of mournful acceptance.
  • He observes the slow destruction of traditional ways, symbolising the passing of an era and the disruption of agrarian rhythms by the war.

To sum up, Chae Strachan’s character perfectly captures the essence of a rural Scottish community headed towards an inevitable change. His love for the land, dedication to community, and spirited resilience ultimately reflect the book’s wider theme of change and echoes Chris’s struggle with her identity in Sunset Song. Knowledge of his character can lead to a deeper understanding of the book’s key themes and narrative points.