Andrina: Style and Technique: Symbolism

Andrina: Style and Technique: Symbolism


  • In the George Mackay Brown’s story, “Andrina,” symbolism plays a significant part, contributing to the underlying meaning and enriching the narrative’s texture.

Key Symbols and Their Meanings:


  • The sea symbolises the cycle of life and death, constant change, yet also continuity.
  • It can be and powerful and unpredictable, mirroring the protagonist’s turbulent emotions and the mystery surrounding Andrina.


  • Andrina herself is a symbol of hope, comfort and a connection to the past.
  • She appears during the protagonist’s lonely and darker times, providing physical assistance and emotional support.
  • Her vanishing corresponds with the old man’s acceptance of his loneliness and coming to terms with his past.


  • The imagery of fire or a candle represents warmth, life, and the memory of the protagonist’s past.
  • Andrina is often associated with bringing fire into the protagonist’s life, symbolising her role in providing comfort and igniting his memories.

Techniques and Effects

  • Mackay Brown uses symbolism to hint at deeper meanings and emotions without directly stating them, enabling a more nuanced narrative.
  • The recurring symbols become more significant each time, helping to build the story’s themes progressively.
  • Symbolism also encourages readers to engage more deeply with the text, as they interpret the symbols and their meanings in connection with the characters and events.

Quotes and Analysis

  • “Her visits were like the lighthouse beam that goes round and round and round the island shores on winter nights.” - Andrina is compared to the life-saving beam of a lighthouse, indicating that her presence provides guidance, comfort, and relief to the protagonist’s loneliness.

  • “To me the sea was a thing alive, shimmering in the quicksilver light.” - The sea here is described as alive, reflecting both its beauty and unpredictability, and mirroring the protagonist’s complex emotions and life experiences.

Consider these points while discussing symbolism in “Andrina.” Understanding how Mackay Brown utilises symbols can enhance your interpretation and analysis of the story.