Mother and Son: Character: John

Mother and Son: Character: John

John: Character Analysis

General Points About John

  • John is the narrating protagonist of “Mother and Son” by Iain Crichton Smith.
  • He is depicted as a deeply introspective and observant character, demonstrating a keen awareness of his surroundings and the emotions of others.

Relationship with Mother

  • John’s relationship with his mother is central to the narrative.
  • His guilt, frustration, and fear are evident, highlighting the emotional toll of providing care for his mother who suffers from dementia.
  • John delineates a marked difference between the woman his mother once was and her present condition, which only deepens his despair.
  • His sense of responsibility for his mother interferes with his personal freedom and creates an ambivalent connection between them.

John’s Internal Conflict

  • Throughout the story, John grapples with an internal conflict, caught between the urge to escape and his commitment to his mother.
  • This conflict is poignantly conveyed through his recurring daydreams of escape and freedom.
  • His struggle with guilt is another indication of his moral dilemma, enhancing the overall emotional intensity of the narrative.

Influences and Impact

  • John’s character is heavily influenced by the severe isolation he experiences due to his carer role.
  • The character of John strikingly humanizes the plight of caregivers, illuminating their mental, emotional, and physical challenges.

Development of John’s Character

  • John undergoes minimal character development over the course of the story, instead remaining entrenched in his sorrow and guilt.
  • The story’s resolution suggests a deepened acceptance of his circumstances rather than a dramatic change of situation or perspective, lending a sense of melancholy and resignation to the narrative.

How He is Portrayed Through Language

  • Crichton Smith effectively uses imagery, symbolism, and a first-person narrative to reveal John’s feelings, thoughts, and experiences.
  • John’s emotions are conveyed through compelling choice of words and rhythmic sentences, emphasising the protagonists’ internal turmoil and despair.