View of Scotland/Love Poem: Stanza 4

View of Scotland/Love Poem: Stanza 4

“View of Scotland/Love Poem”: Stanza 4


  • This stanza presents a juxtaposition between the concepts of home and away, known and unknown, comfort and discomfort.
  • The speaker’s journey towards an unfamiliar culture is contrasted with the deep-rooted love for her Scottish heritage.
  • The poem explore the struggle of a transnational identity, feeling belonging to two places simultaneously.

Language and Style

  • The use of strong sensory language like “exotic fruits” adds depth to the feeling of both fascination and strangeness the speaker experiences in the ‘foreign’ land.
  • The phrase “ripe and rare” expresses a perception of luxury and abundance while simultaneously highlighting the speaker’s nostalgia for the simplicity of her homeland’s food.
  • The metaphorical phrase “blow the pipe empty”, beautifully captures the speaker’s determination to embrace the new culture but without giving up on her native identity.

Structure and Form

  • The rhyming pattern changes, reflecting the changes in the speaker’s thoughts and emotions.
  • This stanza makes use of contrast and juxtaposition, serving to highlight the speaker’s conflicted feelings.

Themes Developed

  • The central theme is Identity, focusing on how one’s roots and upbringing shape their worldview, even when they reside in a completely different culture or country.
  • It illustrates the conflict between Modernity and Tradition, showing how the speaker is drawn towards the exotic and modern while still being emotionally tethered to the traditions of her homeland.
  • It showcases the internal struggle with Adaptation and Change, depicting how the speaker grapples with embracing a new identity whilst not fully relinquishing her native Scottish identity.

Key Lines

  • “I turn exotic fruits…ripe and rare on my tongue.”
  • “I must blow the pipe empty, let the old notes resonate in the drum of the new.”

These lines emphasize the poem’s central theme of reconciling multiple identities and navigating between the comforts of a known homeland and the excitement and uncertainty of a foreign land.