Last Supper: Theme; Female Relationships

Last Supper: Theme; Female Relationships

“Last Supper: Female Relationships” Overview


  • Sisterhood: This poem explores relationships between women, with the foundational theme being sisterhood. The characters share experiences, emotions and challenges related to womanhood.

  • Kinship: The strong bonds of familial love and duty are also highlighted in the poem. The support the women show for each other in tough times illustrate the strength of their connection.

  • Friendship: Friendship between the women, both in youth and adulthood, is a key focus of the poem. It showcases the significance of companionship and shared memories.

Structure and Style

  • Despite being primarily narrative, there’s a depth of emotion, highlighting the complexity of these relationships.

  • Uses dialect and rich imagery to provide authenticity and relatability to the relationships between the women.

  • Consistent use of first-person narrative, providing an intimate look at the personal experiences and emotions of the narrator.


  • Narrative Voice: The use of first-person narration brings the concept of sisterhood and camaraderie to life.

  • Descriptive Language: Lochhead utilises powerful and poignant descriptors and analogies to illustrate the strain, love and devotion within these female relationships.

  • Dialect and Local Lingo: The use of Scottish vernacular provides cultural specificity and authenticity to the relationships being depicted.

Key Lines

  • “Baking, washing, ironing, I sing inside, in tune with the thrum and bubbling of the big copper boiler.”

  • “My sisters and I, together in the scullery, stringing and slicing, peeling and chopping, washing and wiping.”

  • “We are making our own kind of loaves and fishes miracle here, the three of us.”

These lines allow for deeper understanding of the female relationships in regard to the themes, structure, and language Lochhead utilises throughout this poem.