The Red Door: "Conclusion"

The Red Door: “Conclusion”


  • “The Red Door: Conclusion” concludes the triptych of short stories by Iain Crichton Smith.
  • The final piece explores themes of identity, rebirth, and the impact of memory on one’s present and future.


  • Situated in a Scottish island village, the desolation of the backdrop encapsulates the transformative changes happening within the protagonist.
  • The familiar locale further emphasises the contrasts between the old and new, the struggles of transition and the resistance to change.


  • Don, the main character, is shown in the throes of self-discovery and reconciliation with his past, setting the stage for a promising future.
  • The figure of Graham, while not physically present, is a significant spectre of the past that Don deliberately chooses to leave behind.


  • Rebirth: The story explores Don’s transformation and the liberating process of untying the knots of past constraints.
  • Memory: As with the preceding stories, the impact of memory on shaping one’s present and future is a pivotal theme.
  • Transition: This encapsulates Don’s journey from self-doubt towards self-acceptance and reinvention.

Symbolism and Imagery

  • The red door: Remains a symbol of hope and freedom, standing as a portal towards a new life.
  • The loch: Represents the evolution of Don’s character, its calmness acting in stark contrast to the tumultuous sea symbolising his troubled past.
  • Graham’s empty cottage: While playing up the sense of loss, serves as a metaphor for Don’s decision to move on.

Writing Style

  • Iain Crichton Smith’s style is reflective and introspective, capturing the pendulum swing of Don’s thoughts and emotions.
  • His language remains colloquial but with an undercurrent of optimism signifying change.
  • Poetic descriptions and symbolic imagery enhance the narrative and provide a stimulating exploration of its themes.


  • “The Red Door: Conclusion” emerges as a powerful narration of self-realisation and the process of shedding the past.
  • It encapsulates a strong message about the struggles of change, the power of memory, and the promise of rebirth through personal transformation.