Andrina: Theme: Human Vulnerability

Andrina: Theme: Human Vulnerability


  • “Andrina” by George Mackay Brown explores the theme of human vulnerability through the central character of Thorfinn, an ageing man living in solitude on a Scottish island.

Theme Analysis: Human Vulnerability

  • This theme is mainly captured through Thorfinn’s circumstances – his ageing process, increasing physical weakness, and solitary living condition.

  • Thorfinn’s reliance on Andrina’s regular visits for company and aid emphasizes his emotional and physical vulnerability.

  • The destructive forces of time, mortality, loneliness, and frailty create an atmosphere of vulnerability throughout the story.

Role of the Theme in the Narrative:

  • Human vulnerability contributes to the narrative’s sombre tone, underlying the characters’ interactions and the storyline’s progression.

  • It is through understanding Thorfinn’s vulnerability that we can fully appreciate his past failures, regrets, and fear for the future, giving depth to his characterisation.

  • The theme provides a fitting backdrop for the story’s setting in a harsh and isolated island environment.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “Darkness began to bleed from his eyes…” - This metaphor represents the onset of Thorfinn’s blindness, portraying his ever-increasing physical vulnerability and dependence.

  • “He leafed through his past, and there was no comfort there…” - This quote implies vulnerability as Thorfinn confronts his regrets and past failures, creating a feeling of desolation.

Themes through Characters (Thorfinn):

  • Thorfinn’s character is a reflection of the theme of human vulnerability. This is evident in his ageing process, physical fragility, and solitude.

  • His vulnerabilities bring out the humane elements of empathy, endurance, and resilience in his character.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Mackay Brown’s visual and symbolic imagery portray Thorfinn’s physical and emotional vulnerabilities effectively, enhancing readers’ emotional engagement.

  • The author’s use of harsh Scottish island setting as a metaphor symbolises human vulnerability in dealing with natural elements and isolation.

The understanding of the theme of human vulnerability in “Andrina” facilitates comprehension of Thorfinn’s character, the narrative’s pervasive mood, and George Mackay Brown’s nuanced story-telling. It also allows exploration of universal human experiences of growing old, loneliness, fear, and dependence within the context of the Scottish island life.