Character: Isa

Character: Isa

Character Profile - Isa

  • Isa Morrison is one of the younger Morrison sisters described as good-looking.
  • She becomes involved in a relationship with a married man and falls pregnant, causing scandal within the family.

Character Development

  • At first, Isa appears bold and rebellious, ignoring the societal standards and norms around marriage and chastity.
  • Over time, following her pregnancy, Isa shows greater depth and maturity, although she continues to display a level of defiance, rejecting offers of help from her family.


  • Isa shares a tense relationship with her sisters due to her scandalous actions and non-conformity.
  • Despite this, Isa has a close, supportive relationship with her mother Maggie, who is more accepting and understanding of Isa’s situation.

Key Themes Associated with Isa

  • Social Stigma: Isa’s relationship with a married man and subsequent pregnancy highlights the theme of social stigma, especially in the context of 1930s Glasgow.
  • Individualism vs Society: Isa’s character further explores the theme of individualism vs society - choosing what makes her happy versus what is socially accepted.

Key Quotes by or about Isa

  • Isa on her pregnancy: “Jings, I didna think I’d take it like this.” A quote that highlights her surprising vulnerability and introspection regarding her circumstances.
  • Jenny about Isa: “She’s a disgrace, that’s what she is.” A quote that reflects the family and societal reactions to Isa’s choices.

Isa’s Role in the Conclusion

  • By the end of the play, Isa’s character represents a spirit of resilience and defiance as she stands up against the societal norms. Despite her dire circumstances, she bravely makes her own choices and sticks to them manifesting her considerable inner strength.