Mother and Son: Theme: The hardship and restrictiveness of rural life

Mother and Son: Theme: The hardship and restrictiveness of rural life


  • “Mother and Son” is a poignant short story by Iain Crichton Smith.
  • The narrative encapsulates the hardships and restrictiveness of living in a rural environment.


  • The story is set in a remote Scottish island, representing the harshness and desolation of rural life.
  • The isolation of the characters is amplified by the geographical circumstances of their locations.


  • The son represents the straining desire to break free from the boundaries of his rural existence.
  • The mother, constrained by age and tradition, contrasts her son’s desire for change and symbolises the bind to rural life.


  • Hardship and Restrictiveness of Rural Life: The characters’ struggle with the harsh living conditions and lack of opportunities underscore this major theme.
  • Generational Conflict and desire for Change: The son’s aspirations conflict with the mother’s traditional outlook, mirroring the struggle between old and new.

Symbolism and Imagery

  • The rural setting: The island, its harsh weather and terrain serve as a powerful symbol of the characters’ restrictive life.
  • The burnt peat: Symbolises the son’s dissatisfaction and the suffocating nature of the rural island life.
  • Birds: The son’s fascination with them could represent his longing for freedom and change.

Language and Style

  • Crichton Smith’s style is straightforward, utilising evocative descriptions of the harsh rural setting.
  • Dialect: The dialogue in rural dialect serves to highlight the stark reality of the characters’ isolated lifestyle.


  • “Mother and Son” brings to light the often overlooked hardships of rural life.
  • Crichton Smith skillfully captures the restrictive atmosphere of the rural setting, the generational conflict, and the longing for something beyond this existence.