Andrina: Character: Bill

Andrina: Character: Bill

Overview of Character: Bill

  • Bill, an elderly man, is the protagonist in George Mackay Brown’s short story “Andrina”
  • He resides in an isolated cottage by the sea.
  • Bill’s character embodies the themes of isolation, time, memory, and supernatural presence in the story.


Isolation and Loneliness:

  • Bill lives alone in his seacoast home, representing the theme of isolation.
  • His feelings of solitude are amplified by his age and the loss of his wife and friends.

Time and Memory:

  • Bill’s character revolves around the passage of time and the act of remembering.
  • His memories, particularly those involving his wife and friends, dominate his existence and induce feelings of nostalgia.


  • Bill’s relationship with the supernatural character, Andrina, highlights the theme of the supernatural.
  • His acceptance and reliance on her encapsulates the balance between acceptance of the unknown and the comfort taken from familiar routines.

Character Analysis:


  • Bill is depicted as a lonely, old man, creating a sense of sympathy and empathy for him.
  • His actions reflect his struggle with time and memory, hinting at the inevitable challenges of old age.

Techniques and Effects:

  • The author uses symbolism to portray Bill’s life. His barren cottage depicts his solitude and the seaside mirrors his vast, unexplored thoughts.
  • Through the use of introspection, Brown paints an intimate portrait of Bill’s internal world.
  • Brown makes effective use of descriptive language to portray Bill’s isolation and solitude.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “The old man sat, listened, watched. The island was full of memories of young men and women, his friends, now all gone.” - This quote alludes to Bill’s isolation and the overwhelming theme of time and memory.

  • “She made the tea, then, as always. She poured his cup first.” - This quote elucidate the supernatural presence and the comfort he derives from Andrina’s routine visit, depicting the theme of the supernatural.

In preparation for your assessment, you must explore the themes in relation to the character and draw upon quotes to support your argument, whilst considering the author’s narrative techniques.