The Eye of the Hurricane: Character: Captain Stevens

The Eye of the Hurricane: Character: Captain Stevens


  • Captain Stevens is one of the key characters in George Mackay Brown’s “The Eye of the Hurricane”.

Character Profile

  • An outsider from England, he is the captain of the whaling ship ‘Rose of England’, visiting the Orkney Islands.

Personality Traits

  • Capable Leader: Despite the dangerous and demanding nature of whaling, Stevens successfully captains his ship and crew.
  • Resolute: He is determined and doesn’t waver in his decisions. This is evident when he refuses Second Mate’s advice to avoid an approaching storm.
  • Courageous: He does not shy away from danger, even when faced with the devastating hurricane threatening his ship and crew.

Impact on the plot

  • His eventual demise comes as a result of his refusal to take advice and his obstinacy, which culminates in the ship being caught in the hurricane.

Relationship with the Orkney Community

  • As an Englishman in the Scottish Orkney, Stevens is viewed as an outsider. His brief interactions with the locals inform the reader about the islanders’ culture and way of life.

Key Themes Influenced by Captain Stevens

  • Pride and Downfall: Stevens’ pride in navigating his ship leads to his downfall, aligning with the classical trope of hubris leading to tragedy.
  • Man vs. Nature: Stevens’ tussle with the hurricane emphasises the theme of human beings against the more powerful natural world.

Significant Quotes

  • “He would take the Rose of England out of the Orkneys before the storm.” This quote shows Captain Stevens’ stubborn determination.
  • “Stevens hesitated; then, being a man of obstinacy, he set his mind on one course.” This highlights his stubborn quality which proves fatal.

Studying these aspects of Captain Stevens’ character will enhances your understanding of Brown’s storytelling and thematic development in “The Eye of the Hurricane”.