Home: "The Beginning"

Home: “The Beginning”


  • “Home: The Beginning” is a reflective poem by Iain Crichton Smith.
  • It deals with the complex feelings of a man returning to his childhood home on the Isle of Lewis.


  • The setting of the poem is the Isle of Lewis, with its strong sense of place and community.
  • The harsh, unyielding landscape of the island reflects the hardship and isolation experienced by those who live there.


  • The speaker of the poem is a man who is revisiting his childhood home after a period of absence.
  • His complex feelings of nostalgia, regret and frustration provide insight into his complicated relationship with the island and its way of life.


  • Identity and Belonging: The speaker struggles with his ties to the island, feeling both a sense of belonging and a desire for escape.
  • Change and Nostalgia: The speaker grapples with the changes he observes on the island and his feelings of nostalgia for his past.
  • Isolation and Connection: The isolation of the island is juxtaposed with the close connections within the community.

Poetic Devices

  • Imagery: The harsh landscape of the island and the nostalgic scenes of his childhood are evoked through vivid imagery.
  • Metaphor: The island and its constricted life is compared to a prison in the speaker’s mind.
  • Contrast: The stark contrast between the speaker’s memories of the past and the present highlights his complex feelings towards the island.

Structure and Form

  • The poem is relatively unstructured which reflects the chaotic emotions of the speaker.
  • The use of free verse and stream of consciousness allows the reader to follow the speaker’s train of thought.


  • “Home: The Beginning” offers insight into the inner turmoil of an individual grappling with his heritage and identity.
  • Through its vivid imagery and emotive language, the poem provides a poignant exploration of the complex relationship between an individual and their place of origin.