Nil Nil: Themes; The Meaningless of Existence

Nil Nil: Themes; The Meaningless of Existence


  • The poem “Nil Nil” by Don Paterson explores a variety of themes, key among them being the meaninglessness of existence. The title itself - the football score for a game with no goals, suggests a null result, underlining the theme of meaninglessness.

  • In the broader context of the poem, the game of football is metaphorically applied to illustrate the meaninglessness of life - effort is made, showmanship is exhibited, but the end result is nothing.

Language and Style

  • Paterson uses a conversational tone and modern language which seems superficially casual, but the subject matter addressed is deeply philosophical, exploring existential thoughts about life’s purpose.

  • Complex metaphors and expressive language are used throughout the poem - contributing to the theme of the meaninglessness of life. For instance, the comparison of life to a football match where every move is futile - indicates a sense of bleak nihilism.

Imagery and Symbols

  • Paterson’s use of imagery and symbols, such as the ‘man in pyjamas’, projects an image of someone living an unfulfilled, pointless existence.

  • The recurring symbol of the football game becomes a powerful emblem for the meaningless struggle of life. The players’ futile attempts to score is a poignant metaphor, illustrating the emptiness of human endeavour.

Significance and Interpretations

  • Paterson’s “Nil Nil” opens the stage for contemplation on existential thoughts. It is a thought-provoking commentary on the insignificance of individual human experiences in the grand scheme of existence.

  • Paterson’s distinctive portrayal of life being a game with no final victor, but plenty of players striving fruitlessly, offers a unique perspective on the concept of life, struggle, and ultimately, the meaninglessness of existence.

Understanding these aspects of Paterson’s “Nil Nil” helps one grasp the depth of the poem’s exploration into the themes of existentialism and nihilism. The vehicle of football, so innocuous and everyday, is powerfully utilised to reflect the essential human condition.