How to study Prose Fiction: Structure

How to study Prose Fiction: Structure

Understanding Prose Fiction: Structure

Narrative Structure:

  • Identify the exposition. This is where the author set the scene, introduces the characters and provides necessary background information.
  • Look for the rising action. These are the events that build up towards the most exciting part of the story.
  • Take note of the climax. This is the pivotal moment in the story, where the main character faces a major challenge or conflict.
  • Recognise the falling action. This is the part of the story leading towards the resolution of the conflict.
  • Understand the resolution. This is where the main conflict is solved and the story ends.

Point of View:

  • Identify the narrator of the story. Differentiating between first person, third person limited, and third person omniscient narration can significantly impact our understanding of the plot.
  • Distinguish between reliable and unreliable narrators. This can greatly influence how we interpret the events in the story.

Flashbacks and Foreshadowing:

  • Identify flashbacks in the story. These provide insight into a character’s past and can add depth to their motives or actions.
  • Look for instances of foreshadowing. These clues hint at what will happen later in the story, creating suspense and anticipation.


  • Pay attention to the speed at which the story unfolds. This can affect the tension and dramatic impact of the plot. Fast-paced segments often signify action or high emotion, while slower sections can allow for in-depth character or theme development.


  • Recognise how the time and place in which the story is set can impact the plot and character development. This can also enhance the reader’s understanding of the theme.


  • Determine the main themes of the story. Knowing the author’s key messages can enrich your understanding of the characters and plot.


  • Identify any symbols or motifs. These recurring elements can carry deep symbolic meaning, providing insight into the themes or characters.

Examining the Text

Close Reading:

  • Carry out a close reading of the text, taking note of specific details that contribute to the overall structure of the story.
  • Highlight or underline key sections in the text for more in-depth analysis later.

Quote Analysis:

  • Select important quotations that illustrate aspects of the structure (e.g., the climax, resolution, flashbacks, etc.).
  • Consider how these quotes demonstrate the author’s narrative techniques and the effects they create.

Comparative Analysis:

  • Compare the structure of the text with other works of prose fiction. This can broaden your understanding of the author’s unique style and choices.
  • Consider how the structure impacts the overall meaning and effectiveness of the story.