Sounds of the Day: Stanza 1

Sounds of the Day: Stanza 1

‘Sounds of the Day’: Stanza 1

Tone and Mood

  • The opening stanza sets a reflective and contemplative tone, laying groundwork for the introspective journey of the poem.
  • The speaker’s contemplation of day’s sounds and their significance gives an air of nostalgia and reminiscence to the poem.


  • The “closing of a door”, a commonplace image, has been used effectively to symbolise endings, separation and loss.
  • “Lock and key” introduce the notion of closed off memories, which are hard to access.

Speaker’s Perspective

  • MacCaig incorporates a first-person narrative, emphasised by phrases like “when I think”, offering a very personal and introspective perspective.
  • A poignant observation is made of the intrinsic link between physical sounds and personal memories - highlighting the speaker’s introspective nature.


  • In describing sounds as “noises of the day”, MacCaig suggests the ordinariness and commonplace nature of these sounds, yet hints at their emotional potency.
  • The use of onomatopoeic words such as “clack” captures the realistic sounds of everyday life.


  • The first stanza introduces key themes of the poem which include memory, time, and loss, all represented through the metaphorical language of everyday sounds.


  • The opening stanza sets the contemplative tone of “Sounds of the Day”, establishing the primary themes and offering initial insight into MacCaig’s personal and reflective viewpoint. Symbolic imagery, evocative language, and a keen attention to the sounds of daily life shape the texture and depth of this verse.