The Way My Mother Speaks: Themes; Relationships

“The Way My Mother Speaks: Themes; Relationships”

Mother-Daughter Relationship

  • The poem explores the intricate relationship between a mother and daughter, delving into the influence a parent can have, even when not physically present.
  • The speaker’s mother’s voice is internalized by the daughter. This highlights the impacts of upbringing, demonstrating how parental voices can script our thoughts and continue to guide us.

Identity and Influence

  • Identity formation is a major theme, specifically how our identity is shaped by those we have close relationships with, such as parents.
  • The speaker questions her own autonomy, as her thoughts are often echoed by her mother’s voice, reflecting the impact of parental influence on individual development.

Memory and Reflection

  • The poem contemplates how past experiences and relationships shape our present. The speaker hears her mother’s voice, demonstrating the inescapable impact of our past.
  • The continuous use of her mother’s idioms may indicate the speaker’s longing for her past, revealing a theme of nostalgia.

Language and Communication

  • The poem underscores the power of language in shaping our thoughts and perceptions.
  • Through the recurrent utterance of her mother’s catchphrases, the speaker emphasizes the lasting influence of the language used in childhood, attesting to the bond between language, memory, and relationships.