Sounds of the Day: Form and Structure

Sounds of the Day: Form and Structure

‘Sounds of the Day’: Form and Structure

Poetic Form

  • “Sounds of the Day” is a lyric poem, often used to express personal, emotional responses to the world.
  • Like many lyric poems, this piece features a first-person speaker, offering intimate insight into MacCaig’s thoughts and emotions.
  • Despite being a lyric, the poem also has narrative elements, providing a story of personal loss experienced by the speaker.


  • Composed of four quatrains (four-line stanzas), giving the poem a tight, consistent structure.
  • The ABCB rhyme scheme of each stanza adds a sense of solidity and order to the emotional subject matter.
  • The regular rhythm mirrors the quotidian, everyday nature of the sounds discussed in the poem.

Line Breaks and Enjambment

  • MacCaig employs enjambment, or running lines, periodically throughout the poem, which disrupts the otherwise rhythmic flow.
  • This feature lends the poem a more conversational, natural feel, emulating the flow of thoughts or memories.
  • The line breaks often fall at key moments in the poem, allowing important ideas or emotions to stand out.

Stanzaic Progression

  • Each stanza seems to progress chronologically, marking different stages in the speaker’s memory of a loved one.
  • This progression accentuates the theme of the passage of time, as well as the progression from presence to absence, or life to death.
  • Despite the sombre subject matter, the poem’s meter and structure give it a sense of elegance and control, suggesting a measured reflection on loss.

Form Reflecting Content

  • The consistent form and structure reflect the poem’s exploration of ordinary, everyday sounds.
  • Despite its focus on loss and memory, “Sounds of the Day” remains grounded in the tangible, physical world, echoed in the poem’s form.
  • The combination of uniform structure and free enjambment brings together a sense of order and spontaneity, reflecting the poem’s combination of mundane sounds with deep emotional resonance.


  • “Sounds of the Day” showcases MacCaig’s skill in weaving together form, structure and content to provide a holistic exploration of memory and loss.
  • The poem’s form and structure help to reinforce its themes, while also conveying the speaker’s emotional state and thought process.
  • Combining a stricter form with flexible line breaks, MacCaig creates a balance between emotion and control, reflecting the complexities of human experience.