The Wireless Set: Character: Lord Haw-Haw

The Wireless Set: Character: Lord Haw-Haw


  • Lord Haw-Haw is a fictional representation in the story “The Wireless Set”. His presence and voice on the wireless set play a vital role in setting the atmosphere of the story.

Character Analysis:

Lord Haw-Haw:

  • Lord Haw-Haw is a radio persona rather than a human character, representing the voice of the enemy during the World War II.
  • Acting as a symbolic character, his broadcasts bring news of the wider world into the isolated community and home of Howie.
  • He creates unease with his ominous broadcasts, thus, even though he is physically absent, he has a significant impact on the narrative.
  • He signifies the outside world’s intrusion into the domestic life of the island.


Fear and Anxiety:

  • Lord Haw-Haw’s broadcasts create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety, reflecting the fear of war and its potential to disrupt life.
  • The community’s reaction to his broadcasts manifest the community’s collective anxiety towards the outside world.

Disruption and Influence:

  • Through the character of Lord Haw-Haw, Mackay Brown introduces the notion of disruption - his broadcasts interrupt the simplicity of island life, introducing global politics into the remote community.
  • He signifies the influence of external world on the secluded island community


  • Lord Haw-Haw is synonymous with a psychological invasion through the airwaves. He is the unwanted intervention into their isolation, voicing a threat far away yet insidiously close.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Mackay Brown uses Lord Haw-Haw as a narrative tool to bridge the gap between the isolated island and the turmoil of the wider world.
  • The introduction of Lord Haw-Haw’s broadcasts creates a sharp juxtaposition between the quiet island life and the distressing news of war.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “The alien, suave, confident, chilling voice.” - This quote perfectly captures the penetrating and distressing impact of Lord Haw-Haw on the island community.

Keep in mind these points when crafting your essays, as understanding the symbolism and the thematic significance of Lord Haw-Haw is essential to a deep analysis of the text.