11:00 Baldovan: Themes; Growing Up

“11:00 Baldovan: Themes; Growing Up” - Overview and Main Themes

  • The part of the poem discusses the theme of maturation during the time in the asylum, highlighting the effects of an oppressive environment on the children’s development.

  • The poem portrays a juxtaposition between the innocence of childhood and the harsh realities faced by the inmates. The children are forced to grow up too quickly due to their circumstances.

Language Analysis

  • The usage of a first-person narrative allows the poet to communicate more directly and vividly the experiences of maturation in such a grim environment.

  • The expression “playing at freedom” encapsulates the irony of their situation, as their play suggests the normalcy of childhood while the word ‘freedom’ underscores their reality of imprisonment.

Tone and Mood

  • The mood of this section of the poem is one of resignation and despair. Despite their play, the children are deeply conscious and hopeless about their situation.

  • This resignation is reflected in the tonal shift from the initial anguish towards a more passive acceptance of their plight as part of growing up in the asylum.


  • The notion of children “learning to lose” generates a heart-wrenching image, helping the readers grasp the intensity of the children’s struggles.

  • Contrasted images are heavily used, such as children playing but within an oppressive environment. These contrasts serve to underscore the adversity of their maturation process.

When revising “11:00 Baldovan: Themes; Growing Up”, emphasis should be placed on understanding the interplay between the imagery, tone, and language devices. These elements work cooperatively to demonstrate the complex emotions the children experience as they mature under challenging and restrictive circumstances.