A Time to Keep: Character: Bill

A Time to Keep: Character: Bill


  • “A Time to Keep” features the character of Bill, a traditional fisherman placed within the idyllic, yet insular, Orkney Island setting. Bill serves to represent the daily struggles and experiences of individuals in the close-knit island community.

Character Analysis: Bill

  • Bill is portrayed as someone deeply rooted in his community and committed to the familiar rhythms of island life.
  • He embodies the values of hard work, self-sufficiency, and stoic perseverance, characteristics inherent to island life.
  • His character starkly contrasts with others like Danny, reflecting the differing perspectives and ways of life within the community.

Bill’s Role in A Time to Keep:

  • Bill’s narrative primarily revolves around his toilsome yet fulfilling work as a fisherman, serving as a metaphor for the inherent challenges and rewards that come with a simple, community-based life.
  • His character allows Mackay Brown to erotically detail the Orkney Islands’ physical landscape and daily life, establishing a vivid background against which the larger narrative unfolds.
  • His experiences help highlight the conflicts and contradictions between modernity and tradition, providing a multifaceted portrait of the island community.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “Bill went home with his wages; and all around him, the sea roared and swooped… He knew himself part of that grand simplicity of action.” - This quotation captures Bill’s deep connection with the sea and his acceptance of life’s harsh realities.
  • “He was an old man now, but inevitable as the tide, without question or pride or fear, he made his voyages.” - This line reflects Bill’s stoic nature and his unwavering commitment to his work, even in his old age.

Themes through Characters (Bill):

  • Bill’s character brings to light the themes of hard work, survival, and acceptance of life’s harsh realities, reflecting the quintessential experience of traditional island life.
  • Through his narrative, the audience gains insight into the inherent conflicts between acceptance of life’s hardships and the desire for change or escape.
  • His journey provides Mackay Brown’s work with an element of reality and genuineness, enabling a nuanced exploration into the essence of traditional island life.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Through Bill, Mackay Brown captures the harsh realities and stark beauty of the island’s physical landscape, using detailed imagery and powerful language.
  • The character’s straightforward narrative exposes readers to the simplicity and harshness of traditional life, deepening the exploration of key themes such as survival, hard work, and acceptance.
  • The subtle contrast between Bill and other characters allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the diverse ways of life and perspectives within the island community.

Understanding the character of Bill and his role within “A Time to Keep” allows for a deeper exploration of George Mackay Brown’s portrayal of the Orkney Islands’ life, further examining the interplay between human nature, tradition, hardship, and acceptance.