Last Supper: Stanza 1

“Last Supper: Stanza 1” Overview

Emotional Depth

  • The opening line sets the tone with a sense of imminent loss in the phrase “This is our last supper…”.

  • The speaker conveys resigned acceptance of the inevitability of an end, indicating an impending break up, divorce or separation.


  • The opening line generates a picture of a final meal echoing the Biblical story of the Last Supper and carries the weight of foreboding and finality.

  • Lochhead uses vivid imagery to describe the ordinary, everyday scene in an almost cinematic way.


  • The ‘last supper’ serves as a symbol of an approaching end and a new beginning, hinting at a transition point.

  • Bread and butter issues’ underline mundane, yet vital parts of life, emphasising the normality of couple sharing a meal - a contrast to the extraordinary impending event.

  • The symbol of ‘red wine’ could indicate a variety of things: from passion and love to blood and sacrifice, reminiscent of the Christian Eucharist ceremony.

Exploration of Relationships

  • The speaker introduces two characters sharing a ‘last supper’ indicating an exploration of relationship dynamics.

  • An air of intimacy and sad nostalgia surrounds the scene, showcasing the depth and complexity of the relationship.

The principal concepts in the stanza are the emotional depth evoked, illustrative imagery employed, understanding of the symbolism, and evaluation of the relationship dynamics. A deeper comprehension of these aspects will aid in decoding Stanza 1 of “Last Supper”.