The Eye of the Hurricane: Theme: Alcohol

The Eye of the Hurricane: Theme: Alcohol


  • “The Eye of the Hurricane” is a haunting tale dealing with the theme of alcoholism by George Mackay Brown.

Impact of Alcohol:

  • The destructive nature of alcohol is portrayed throughout the story, where it is often linked to negative events and outcomes.
  • It significantly affects the main character’s life and their interactions with their community.
  • Alcohol is represented as a destructive force that ruins relationships and leads to self-destruction and alienation.

Techniques and Impacts:

  • Brown uses vivid imagery to convey the lure and the devastating effects of alcohol. He transforms the ordinarily harmless liquid into something lethal and life-altering.
  • The narrative is thick with the symbolism of storms, associating the maelstrom with the protagonist’s chaotic life caused by alcoholism.
  • Through stark contrast between the calm ‘eye’ of the storm and its destructive outer edges, Brown effectively represents the brief relief provided by alcohol and the surrounding turmoil it creates.

Alcohol as a Symbol:

  • Alcohol symbolises temporary relief and escape, but also chaos, destruction, and obsession.
  • Brown uses alcohol as a symbol of self-destruction, as the protagonist drowns his sorrows but also his opportunities for positive change.
  • His excessive drinking is shown as a flawed coping mechanism for overcoming his loneliness and personal issues.

Noteworthy Quotes:

  • It was in his hands, the liquid that seemed bland and harmless as water, but was potent as a hurricane.” This highlights alcohol’s deceptive nature, its allure, and its destructive capacity.
  • He was in the eye of the hurricane. All around him, individuals and communities were being dashed to pieces.” This quote provides a stark metaphorical image of the effects of alcoholism on the protagonist and his community.

Overall, “The Eye of the Hurricane” is a poignant portrayal of alcoholism which Brown depicts with unique metaphoric imagery and the power synonymous with the storm metaphor.