Chapter 7: Incident at the Window

Chapter 7: Incident at the Window

Key Quotes and Their Significance

Representations of Fear and Tension

  • They saw him at the window; they saw him upon the sill”: This quote does not only imply that Hyde has an unnerving presence but also that he has uncanny capabilities (i.e., the ability to appear at windowsills), raising tensions amongst characters and readers alike.

  • A cry followed; he reeled, staggered, clutched at the table and held on, staring with injected eyes, gasping with open mouth”: Here, Dr Jekyll is the focus. This quote represents the extent of his terror and struggle, hinting at a deeper, internal conflict.

Exploration of Dr Jekyll’s Duality

  • Jekyll then settled his face into a more ordinary mask”: The phrase “more ordinary mask” suggests that Jekyll constantly hides his true nature, aligning with the theme of duality and the divide between public and private selves.

  • I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two”: This quote from Jekyll himself is vital as it explicitly portrays the theme of duality. Jekyll acknowledges his bisected identity – societal respectability and innate human evil.

Symbolism in the Setting

  • The court was very cool and a little damp, and full of premature twilight”: This description of the court represents the eerie and mysterious atmosphere. The premature twilight symbolizes the premature revelation of Jekyll’s duality, which is yet not fully exposed.

Illustration of the Reciprocal Relationship of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

  • I swear to God, I will never set eyes on him again”: This quote shows the extent of Jekyll’s revulsion towards Hyde. It also implies how they are becoming increasingly separate entities rather than one person with two faces, thus complicating their relationship.

Portrayal of Enlightenment vs. Ignorance

  • With every day, and from both sides of my intelligence, the moral and the intellectual, I thus drew steadily nearer to the truth”: Here, Dr. Jekyll signifies the gradual understanding and acceptance of his dual nature. The phrase “both sides of my intelligence” indicates that the enlightenment of self requires acknowledgement of one’s moral and intellectual realms.

Endeavor to keep these key quotes and their implications in mind, embedding them in your analysis and arguments.