Historical Context

Historical Context

Setting and Time Period

  • The Trick is to Keep Breathing is set in late-20th century Scotland. It reflects a time period marked by societal transition in the UK.
  • The sexual liberation movement of the 1960s and 70s had faded into the backdrop, and women were grappling with newly established roles and societal expectations.
  • There’s a juxtaposition of dichotomous societal pressures - one for women to advance to the same level as men in workplaces, and another for them to conform to traditional expectations.

Mental Health Perception

  • In the era in which the novel is set, mental health issues were often stigmatised and misunderstood. This lack of understanding is portrayed in not just the population, but also among healthcare professionals in the novel.
  • Depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other mental health issues, though prevalent, were not openly discussed and suffered from a high level of stigma.

Feminist Movement

  • The feminist movements of the late 20th century greatly influenced the perception of women in society, pushing back against traditional expectations of female behaviour.
  • The ‘second wave’ of feminism saw a shift in focus to a broader range of issues such as sexuality, family, workplace, and reproductive rights, and its effects can be seen in the novel.
  • Joy’s struggles partly reflect the hardships faced by women in the era, seeking to assert their individuality in a society still anchored in traditional gender roles.

Socio-Economic Context

  • The backdrop of the novel is mirrored by high levels of unemployment and economic stagnation in Scotland. The novel reflects the economic reality of a society dealing with poverty, joblessness and socio-economic disparity.

Key Quotes

  • “School’s familiar. Illness you hide.” – This quote embodies the societal attitude towards mental health during that time period.
  • “Start again at the beginning whenever you feel like it. It’s the woman’s prerogative.” – This quote embodies the societal transition and the evolving roles of women during that era.