Basking Shark: Stanza 1

Basking Shark: Stanza 1

‘Basking Shark’: Stanza 1

Description of the Encounter

  • The first stanza describes an unexpected and startling encounter with a basking shark, immediately setting the tone of the poem as unexpected and surreal.
  • The element of surprise heightens the sensory impact of the experience, making the description more vivid and memorable.

Use of the Pronoun “I”

  • The pronoun “I” is used, introducing personal experience as an important aspect of the poem.
  • This highlights the fact that the event is seen from the poet’s perspective, adding weight to each emotion and reflection expressed.

Sensory Description

  • The incident is depicted through sensory language, such as “slapped” and “spite”, suggesting a violent and shocking encounter.
  • These elements serve to emphasise the magnitude of the event, enhancing the readers’ perception of the shark as a significant figure.

Contrast between the Physical and Metaphysical

  • MacCaig uses physical description to hint at greater metaphysical concepts, creating an astute contrast.
  • Depictions such as “slapped and crashed” not only paint a picture of the immediate incident but serve as metaphors for larger life occurrences, foreshadowing the deeper analysis to come in subsequent stanzas.

The Shark’s Importance

  • The “room-sized monster” is introduced as a central character in the poem, symbolising the enormity of the encounter and its profound impact on the speaker.
  • This suggests that the shark, despite its physical appearance and actions, represents more than just a sea creature - it becomes a catalyst for introspective thought in the poet.


  • The first stanza of ‘Basking Shark’ lays the groundwork for an intense exploration of self and existence, using a sudden encounter with a giant sea creature as the conduit.
  • MacCaig’s use of vivid, sensory language, and the interplay of physical and metaphysical, spurs readers to delve deeper into the poem’s profound themes.