How to study Prose Fiction: The Narrator

How to study Prose Fiction: The Narrator

Understanding the Role of The Narrator in Prose Fiction

  • Recognise that the narrator is the voice through which the story is told. This may or may not be a character in the text.
  • Remember that the narrator’s point of view can greatly influence how the story is perceived. It can be first-person, second-person, or third-person.

First-Person Narration

  • Note that first-person narrators participate in the action of the story, often as a primary character.
  • Understand that a first-person narrator provides a personal and subjective viewpoint, and their reliability can often be questioned.

Third-Person Narration

  • Understand that a third-person narrator tells the story from a distance, often with a wider perspective of events.
  • Note the difference between an omniscient third-person narrator, who knows all about every character and event, and a limited third-person narrator, who only knows about certain characters or events.

Unreliable Narrators

  • Note that an unreliable narrator gives a version of events that might not be trustworthy, due to their limited understanding or possible distortion of events.
  • Understand that this technique can be used to create suspense or reveal a character’s thoughts and feelings in more depth.

Impact of Narrative Voice

  • Remember that the choice of narrator can affect the pacing, tone and mood of the story.
  • Look for how the use of a particular narrator helps to develop themes or communicate the author’s message.

Linking Narrative Style to Context

  • Understand how the narrative style can reflect the social or historical context of the novel.
  • Look for connections between the kind of narrator used and the writer’s intentions or the text’s themes.

Types of Narrators in Different Genres

  • Note how horror, mystery or romance novels may use different types of narrators for distinct effects.
  • Analyse the usage of narrative voice in relation to the intended audience or textual genre.

Exploring the Narrator’s Character

  • Pay attention to moments when the narrator reveals aspects of their own character through their narration.
  • Analyse the way the language and style of the narration may reflect the narrator’s personality, social status or mindset.