A Time to Keep: Section Six

A Time to Keep: Section Six


  • “A Time to Keep: Section Six” is a significant chapter from the renowned Scottish writer George Mackay Brown’s collection.
  • This segment concentrates on the penultimate hours of Doomsday and its aftermath for the Ferry folks.
  • It showcases the transformation from a bustling environment to an eerily quiet one after Doomsday.


Doomsday and Transformation:

  • Doomsday, the day of final judgement, takes the centre stage in the section, dictating the narrative flow.
  • Transformation observed in the community’s activities before and after Doomsday signifies the overarching sense of fear and acceptance.

Religion’s Impact:

  • The Doomsday event, steeped in religious connotations, impacts the behaviour, actions, and thoughts of the villagers.
  • This unmistakable prevalence of religion and its influence on community life forms an integral part of the section storyline.

Character Analysis:

The Doomsday Interpreter:

  • The character who interprets Doomsday comes across as calm, accepting the event’s inevitability, and radiates that acceptance towards the villagers.
  • Although he might feel the fear, he embraces Doomsday, illustrating a deep-seated belief in the cosmic cycle.

Ferry Village Folks:

  • They personify a shared character, displaying an array of emotions, ranging from anticipation to fear as they approach Doomsday.
  • Their behaviour underscores an erosion of normal rhythms of life, replaced by the solemnity of the end times.

Techniques and Effects:

  • Mackay Brown utilises imagery by conjuring vivid pictures of the village life before and after Doomsday.
  • The technique of juxtaposition is used effectively to highlight the stark contrast between bustling pre-Doomsday life and the calm after the event.
  • Through the narrative, the author crafts the tension in the village folks’ lives leading up to Doomsday, enveloping the narrative with an aura of anticipation and apprehension.

Quotes and Analysis:

  • “And the words fell into silence. The world ended.” - This simple, but profound statement perfectly encapsulates the emotional weight of Doomsday and its profound impact.

  • “The day began again at the beginning, like a newborn child.” - A powerful quote illustrating the rebirth and renewal of life after the event, indicative of the author’s belief in the cycle of life and death.

Remember to explore and analyse how Brown manipulates various narrative techniques, characters, and quotes to communicate the dominant themes and shape reader’s understanding.