Sounds of the Day: Stanza 4

Sounds of the Day: Stanza 4

‘Sounds of the Day’: Stanza 4

Tone and Mood

  • This final stanza adopts a more introspective tone, as the speaker reflects on the sounds of silence after a life has ended.
  • There’s a hint of melancholy and contemplation, as the speaker confronts the inevitability of death.


  • The speaker presents the death as a naloxone-like enclave, which only echoes silence - effectively depicting the cessation of life’s sounds.
  • The contrasting imagery of the ‘loudest noise beyond silence’ evokes an assertive image of how death leaves a profound empty space behind.

Speaker’s Perspective

  • Through spiritual propositions such as ‘the soundless wailing’, the speaker tries to communicate his ethereal interpretation of life after death.
  • The speaker’s perspective here offers a thoughtful, poignant exploration of the transience and brevity of life and the lasting resonance of death.


  • The oxymoronic phrase ‘soundless wailing’ significantly brings out the turmoil wrapping the speaker’s understanding of the pervasive silence after death.
  • The use of simple, yet profound words like ‘wailing’, ‘echoes’ and ‘silence’ effectively underscores the morbidity and gravity of the subject matter.


  • This stanza engenders themes of death and transcendence; the omnipresent idea of life’s trajectory towards an inevitable silence.
  • It reinforces the overall theme of sounds and perceptions, extending it to interpret the perceived silence of death.


  • The fourth and final stanza of “Sounds of the Day” explores the theme of death, brought to life through introspective musings on the significance of silence. The speaker’s own perceptions, relayed through evocative language and imagery, create a contemplative atmosphere. This thoughtful exploration highlights the omnipresence of one’s own mortality, leaving the reader with a potent echo of its broader themes.