Nil Nil: Themes; Change

“Nil Nil: Themes; Change” - Overview and Themes

  • This section predominantly explores the transition from life to death.
  • Central themes focus on the inevitability of change, the illusion of permanence, and the acceptance of mortality.

Language Analysis

  • Paterson’s choice of words such as “continual reassembling” emphasizes the constant change that life entails.
  • A striking use of metaphor is observed when he describes the process of death as “nothing more than a game of Nil-Nil,” symbolising the equalising nature of mortality.

Tone and Mood

  • The initial tone is reflective and somber, aligned with the contemplation of life’s transient nature.
  • The mood shifts towards resigned acceptance, dovetailing the realisation that change and death are part of life’s cycle.


  • The imagery of “a field of tall sons” conjures up a picture of life’s potential and the inevitable growth that change brings.
  • Depictions such as the “great game of Nil-Nil” capture the stark yet unifying reality of mortality, contextualising the profound change that is death.

Through a close examination of “Nil Nil: Themes; Change,” one can decipher Paterson’s subtle exploration of life’s transience and our subsequent acceptance of mortality. His effective use of language, tone, and imagery crafts an evocative narrative that is richly steeped in the theme of change.